How can we improve the situation of the indian handicraft industry ?

Indian handicraft industry is the low technology but organized and dominated by Labour intensive industry. It is found that 20% of our indian handicraft products are rejected in the national and international market due to damages or quality problems. The acceptance percentage of the product is still in between the 80-90%.

There are still the problems in Indian handicraft industry which can be studied in five major areas  -

  • Manufacturing and production management

  • Operation management

  • Market assessment and management

  • Financial management

  • Social, cultural and healthcare problems


Problems -

  • high raw material and procurement cost

  • low productivity

  • Inefficient infrastructural facilities

  • exchange rate changes  

  • high transaction cost

  • poor marketing of final product

  • poor logistics and inventory

  • un proper printing, packaging and other IT support facilities

  • proper non communication between the national and international market

  • limited availability of skilled manpower support

  • Lack of quality control measurements

  • Limited power supply

  • Limited awareness problems

  • many manufacturing units are operated from home

Recommendations for improving the handicrafts in India -

  • value added manufacturing resources.

  • Increment in bottleneck of resources

  • Balancing establishment in the manufacturing processes and operations

  • Timely management of financial resources like loans

  • Suitable marketing strategies should be developed

  • Proper export units should be developed

  • Forming handicraft consortiums of manufactures and dealers

  • Develop cost effective marketing channels

  • Appropriate training and procurement on preparing the high quality product

  • Developing common website for the promotion of the handicraft products

  • Participating in national and international level consortiums

  • Common IT support for different manufacturing units.

So these are the recommendations for handicrafts quality improvement in Indian Handicrafts! Thanks for reading the post !

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